Wednesday, February 13, 2019

What I am working on

1. 'Need to Touch' - One way to keep students from using smartphones in physics class for non class related activities!

2. 'Educating John' - What the Chief Justice of SCOTUS got wrong during oral arguments on the affirmative action case and why racial and ethnic diversity among students and faculty can enrich physics education.

3. Is 'Big Bang Theory' doing more harm than good for drawing students into physics careers?  -  What students may or may not learn watching top rated TV shows.

4. Is it time to add a 'disappearing Normal Force' question to the physics FCI and MBT screenings? - Why I refuse to place the blame entirely on engineers every time my students think that gravitational force is zero on the International Space Station.

5. Brian Lehrer declares "Confirmation Bias!" -  What happened when I called into a popular radio show about a Pew research study on trying to educate people on climate change.

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